Preparation and Testing of PAN Carbon/Epoxy Resin Composites

Brundaban Patro1, *, D. Shashidhar2, B. Rajeshwer2, Saroj Kumar Padhi3
1 National Institute of Technology Warangal, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Telangana, - 506004 India
2 Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hyderabad, Telangana, 500085 - India
3 ITER, SOA University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, 751030, India

© 2017 Patro et al.

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* Address correspondence to this author at the National Institute of Technology Warangal, Mechanical Engineering Department, Warangal, Telangana, 506004, India, E-mail:



Due to light weight, high performance and excellent mechanical properties, carbon fibers are considered a key material in the 21st century. These are extensively used in many industries for structural usages, such as aerospace, aeronautical, sporting goods applications, and automotive and medical devices, due to their desirable strength to weight properties. Now, these are globally accepted as a high performance and high-strength material. Most of the carbon fibers are derived from polyacrylonitrile fiber precursor. These materials have the potential for fire hazards caused due to heat, smoke, and electric short circuit.


To prepare polyacrylonitrile carbon and epoxy resin laminates in multilayers by hand-lay-up method and testing by ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) standards.


Polyacrylonitrile carbon fiber/epoxy resin composites are prepared using the hand-lay-up method. For the non-destructive testing, the ultrasonic type is used. For the destructive testing, a universal testing machine is used to test the tensile test, the flexural test and the inter-laminar shear stress test, as per the ASTM standard. Subsequently, the physical properties, such as the density test and the fiber content, the resin content and the void content tests of the laminate are carried out.


The experimental results show that the matrix laminates have good mechanical and physical properties.


Preparation and testing of polyacrylonitrile carbon/epoxy resin composites are carried out and the prepared laminates exhibit good mechanical and physical properties. Hence, the laminates can be used in many industrial and commercial applications, as a composite material.

Keywords: PAN carbon, Epoxy resin, Composites, Mechanical properties, Testing.