Compression Research of Bitmap Data in Three-Dimensional Printing

Xu Li-Jun*, 1, Gao Jun2, Zhang Wei-Yu1
1 Art and Design Department, Nanjing Institute of Technology, 211167, Nanjing, China
2 Mechanical Engineering Department, Nanjing University of Science and Technology, 210094, Nanjing, China

© 2015 Li-Jun et al

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* Address correspondence to this author at the Art and Design Department, Nanjing Institute of Technology, 211167, Nanjing, China; Tel: +86013770311954; E-mail:


In the paper, it makes 3-D (three dimensional) printing rapid prototyping bitmap data compression research based on bytes has been conducted, in the 3-D printing rapid prototyping system, where the bitmap data format is adopted, and related data storage space is very large. It firstly analyzes the bitmap data characteristics in 3-D printing rapid prototyping system and the commonly methods used in nondestructive bitmap compression, and it designs the bitmap data compression coding method based on bytes. The compression method has the characteristics such as high compression ratio, fast speed of compression and decompression, less time consuming, etc. Therefore, it can meet the increasing demand of data compression in the 3-D printing rapid prototyping system.

Keywords: Data compression, product design, research, three-dimensional printing.